Downloadable Content is the scourge of gaming. How the hell do game companies get away with charging you $60 bucks for a game then telling you, "but wait there's more! you just have to pay for it!"? It's because people are stupid enough to buy it. The whole point of laying down that outrageous amount of money in the first place is so you get to play the entire damn game, not 80-90% of a game only to be told later to cough up another $15 bucks to get the "rest of the game." Hell most of the time the supposed "extra content" is already on the friggin DVD (see: Beautiful Katamari, Dead Rising, any EA game put out since 2006). Seriously, STOP IT. You're making us all look bad. And convincing game companies that we are stupid mindless sheep that will buy anything as long as it looks shiny and new.
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