Yes I went there, deal with it. It's been announced that the player of Farcry 2 will be stricken with malaria as soon as he gets of the plane. This is taking micromanagement to a whole new and sick level, whereas to get medicine for the disease you have to acquire it (they don't say how) from civilians. Ubisoft, I hope you know that the deaths of thousands of digital civilians will be on your heads, for I'm not the nice "can I have some medicine, I'll pay for it, honest" type. I'm more the "I'm going to shove this rifle up your ass and use you as a silencer if you don't give me what I want" type. So, if you can live with that, go ahead. But don't think Postal 2 hasn't had an effect on the way I play games, there is always the second option of killing everyone in sight, always.
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