That sound you heard a few days ago, that was Kaz "It's Ridge Racer Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raaaaaaaacer!" Hirai dying a little inside. Awful loud though, wasn't it? Sam's Club had a hell of a deal on the Xbox 360 with an extra controller and the play n charge kit included. I also recived a game that I'd been looking at since I first saw direct feed video of it last year, Project Gotham Racing 4. Cars and motorcycles racing together? I'm in. Right now I'm in the process of looking for some really good deals on games. Dead Rising should be here on monday, and if you don't know already, I love that game it's the reason I got the first 360. If it were an official Dawn of the Dead game, it would be the first movie to video game translation that would be worth a damn. If you don't already own it, go out and get it now, Capcom is looking down the barrel of a really big lawsuit over the game at this point. Somebody at the The MKR Group (owners of the copyright to George Romero's Dead films) must have finally played it. I hope they are able to work everything out and make a sequel, but who really knows?
For those of you that wish to know, my gamer tag is Rblphoenix, and as a word of warning to my friends, don't come near this thing with Halo 3, I will not hesitate to break your fingers, and your game.
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