Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The return of something groovy...

Something has been missing for almost a decade. Something wormy. Something super suity... Well all that is about to end. Interplay has decided to bring back one of the greatest characters ever invented. A super hero among super heroes. A hero for all time. Soon to be out on the virtual console, new games in production AND most importantly a new cartoon series. Franchise creator Doug TenNapel is on-board as a consultant. It doesn't get much better than that. Hopefully they can get Dan Castellaneta (yes Homer himself) back on board. I whole-heartedly welcome back Earthworm Jim. Be it 2-d or 3-d, you slap a worm in a super suit to make him really super strong and he rules. Damn, now that theme song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's official: My WTF moment of 2008.

What? Why? The hell were they thinking? As well as at least 13 different expletives were speeding though my head at about a thousand miles an hour when I first saw this pic. A fighting game where Mortal Kombat faces off with DC? A whole-hearted celebration of second rate mediocrity. Great. Marvel and Capcom beat them to the punch almost a decade ago. Hate to break this to the fanboys, but Superman is in this game, and if you know anything about superheroes (and what normal breathing male doesn't?) Supes would just put his fist through everyone's skull and be done with the whole damned thing. No fatalitys needed. Speaking of which boone has pussed out and said there won't be any, just a series of finishers. Way to stick with what makes your series work there bud.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why I don't watch DBZ.

My friends love DBZ, a LOT. I really don't understand why. No, really I have no freaking clue why that damned cartoon got so much freaking money from American kids. I like anime to be short, simple, and to the point. Dragon Ball (Z; GT; Super; Turbo; Salvation; and anything else they could come up with) is none of those things. I also like it when they don't take five minutes at the beginning and ending of the episode to go over WHAT HAPPENED IN THE LAST EPISODE, and WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE NEXT EPISODE! I also don't like an entire episode to involve two characters screaming at each other. Hell I like being able to tell who the **** is who, shit man, they all look the same to me. The people that watch Dragon Ball are the same idots that thought Bo Bo Bo Bo (for gods' sakes we get it, some dipshit in japan thought that repeating "Bo" over and over was f'ing hilarious) was an awesome anime. Kids, shut off the cartoon network go out and find some REAL anime. Just don't come crying to me when Vampire Hunter D beats the living shit out of Goku in your nightmares. So how many reasons could I come up with? Yes, over 9000, but I won't. I'll just leave you with this fact that will leave the DBZ fanboys screaming in horror. That picture you see on your left, the douchebag right there, yeah that guy is playing Goku in the official DBZ movie.