Friday, January 18, 2008

My picks for 2008 so far...

A new year is here, and with it comes some new games. By next week one great game (hopefully great) will be coming out in the form of No More Heroes. A game where from what I can tell, the entire point is to beat people up with a fluorescent lamp lightsaber. Yes that's right I said LIGHTSABER, and you use it with the Wiimote. How can you NOT want that? Anyway on with the list my picks for 2008:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) - otherwise known as the series that turned fighting games on their ear. This game has been duplicated, ripped off, and replicated, all badly. Accept no substitutes. Even if this thing keeps getting delayed (GRRRRRRR). And who the hell could pass up a chance to beat the living crap out of Sonic with Mario? It's every Nintendo fans dream come true.

Fallout 3 (PC and Who the Hell Cares?)- If you don't know what Fallout is and what makes it great, you aren't a gamer, period. The game is being produced by the guys at Bethesda, the folks that brought us the godly Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Oblivion engine set in a post-apocalyptic universe? Yes sir, may I have another?

Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (Pc, Ps3, Xbox 360, Cell) - Yes I know the last game, Magna Cum Laude, sucked, and sucked hard. One of the worst games, I've ever played. But it's Larry, and I have to give him one more shot. For crap's sakes get Al Lowe back already you idiots! Love for sail is right up there as my favorite adventure game of all time. And I want that feeling back, damn it.

Ghostbusters (PC, Wii, PS2, Ps3, Xbox 360)- Duh. If I had to go into description on this, I'd have to come out of your computer screen, and slap each and every one of you reading this.

Bionic Commando Rearmed(PSN, Xbox Live) - The remake of the series, not the one starring the vomit inducing, dreadlocked, hot dog packing, tan guy. I don't see any way to screw this up, other than not releasing it on the console that so richly deserves it, the Wii. And my friends over at GoNintendo, are taking that one head on at

Postal 3- Come on it's a new postal game? Whats not to love? Hopefully this will still be an FPS, given that I'm already a tall redhead that bears an uncanny resemblance to the main character, but I'll probly enjoy it either way.

Who the hell knows when Duke Nukem Forever is coming out, but you can damn well bet it would be on top of the list for that year. I want to like that game as much as I like breathing. And I do love my oxygen intake, I love it good.

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