Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm Just Waiting On A Friend

Summer is here, and its a scorcher this year. All the more reason to hang around inside or go to the mall and bum around for a while. It's a great time to go someplace and play some handheld games. Unfortunately Sony is missing the boat on this one a bit by denying all those that paid for a vita the ability to take half their library with them. For all it's faults, (grossly overpriced tiny memory cards, hard to stash because of the thumb sticks, overpriced downloadable games) the system is still fun to drag along with you. But we need something a bit more than that to keep us coming back. Spring would have been a great time to release ALL of the PSX (yeah that's right I went old school) games. But instead Sony has decided that "Summer" was the best time, and summer is here, no games. I know I know there are a lot of games out for Vita now but I just want to sit down wherever I am and play some Final Fantasy VII. I'm not saying it's one of the best games of all time, but it's one of the best games of all time. And we need it on every system possible. I'm not joking, every system possible. Those new coke vending machines should even play it. So hop to it Sony.

On an interesting side note, Squeenix is releasing a "Special Edition" of FF7 for PC that includes achievements, count me in.

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