First of all, I must offer my congratulations, you have single-handedly tricked America into believing that 6mb/ps is as fast as the Internet can possibly go. For those that don't want to do the math, at 6mb/ps UNLIMITED Internet you'd be able to download 2TBs of data per month. And most people don't know that Japan and China can pay what you rob people of per month for 100mb/ps up AND DOWN!
The government paid you 500 billion to upgrade to fiber optics, I'd love to see what you've done with the money. Now, you have pushed to far, to fast. You are trying to stop the free flow of information and ideas to people, and that is not only wrong, its unconstitutional. You do NOT even give customers the pitiful speeds THEY PAY FOR. You expect them to obey secret download restrictions, and block p2p sharing, because YOU think they are downloading illegally. Do you have any idea how large Service Pack 1 for vista is? What happens when someone uses "to much bandwidth" and they can't make an outbound call to 911 because you shut them off? Their deaths will be on YOUR heads.
Did you know that Linux is perfectly legal to download for the home user? And that there are THOUSANDS of movies that are available for FREE on the Internet (just saw a great one called Zeitgeist you should check it out, sounds a lot like the both of you)? There are many reasons people can LEGALLY use the bandwidth that they PAY FOR! What you're doing isn't highway robbery, its downright piracy. I honestly hope that the both of you get sued off the face of this planet, for that is the only way you will learn. Now might be a good time for the two of you to take your heads out of your asses, because there are going to be a lot of your former customers telling you that's where you can stick your service.