Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Best Game You've Never Played.

That's right, Postal 2. Most gaming sites and mags panned it. But I love it. If it were a woman I'd marry it and call it Susan. There isn't much to be said for the story (is there even a story?) but nothing is more satisfying than taking out a non-moving line of people with a shovel. Nothing. This game got me though working retail, I'd come home every night and bash the hell out of some in game people and feel a lot better about my place in the world. Not to mention the main character is a redhead (HELL YES!). I own every, that's right EVERY version of this game except the fudge pack (who came up with that name anyway?). Even with the dated graphics I can still sit down and play this game for HOURS. There is a lot to be said for a game that is just plain FUN. As soon as the 10th Anniversary Postal Collection came on sale I jumped at it.

I still remember the day my friend Steve fired up his computer and showed me the wonders of Postal 1. He's about to go over to Iraq, if I had the funds I'd buy him the 10th pack as well, course he'd need a laptop too. Well damn. He can play it when he gets back. I'm not cheap, just broke. I anxiously await word of postal 3 and will even go see Uwe Boll's (no matter how many times my gut screams NO!) movie. I leave you with the tag line from Postal 2s Box:
Ever Have One of Those Days?
Indeed I have.

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