d games all in the first year. But lets hope they can keep it going strong. Can't wait to see if Wii Fit can actually get me into shape. I know that Wii Sport hurt like hell after a while.
The Internet: Serious Business.
They should have done a new version of this commercial. To be honest I'm not a big fan of the new "Wii would like to play" commercials. They're kind of boring.
But you can judge for yourself, here's the Wii Would Like To Play - Super Mario Galaxy Ad:
On the other hand, at least its not as bad as the Sunshine ad:
Mario, Nintendo's iconic video game character, and Dr. Buzz
Aldrin float in zero-gravity atmosphere to train for Mario's upcoming game set
in space, Super Mario Galaxy for Wii on November 03, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The game is available in stores Monday, Nov. 12."http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=13947
So there you have it, the games SHIP DATE is a load of crap, gamestop and others just need to keep SOMETHING in there warehouse to justify the cost of their warehouse. Hopefully someday we will see game stores once again doing what the were founded for in the first place. Taking pre-orders to guarantee you the game ON RELEASE DAY.
Update: Just called up Best Buy for the hell of it
"Thank you for calling Best Buy how can I help you?"
"Yes I was wondering if you had Mario Galaxy in stock?"
"Actually, the release date isn't until later this week"
Really? News to me, news to Nintendo as well. Must be some fluke of the time space continuum that Nintendo world store sold them at 12:01 this morning...