Wednesday, December 19, 2007
G4 still out of touch with gamers, even after all these years

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The end is neigh!

After seeing the teaser we thought it was something we should share with all of you and while it's just a teaser, rest assured more is coming.
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, around noon CST, we will release the first teaser trailer from Duke Nukem Forever. To tide you over until then, here is a screen shot taken from the teaser.
Thank you for being fans of the game and for your continued patience.
I'd like to thank the people on the team that worked so hard to create this teaser and the friends of 3DR that helped create it (Jeremy Soule and Julian Soule, Frank Bry, Jason Evigan and of course, Jon St. John)."
Friday, December 7, 2007
Screw world peace this year give me

Thursday, December 6, 2007
1. Jeff Gerstmann is one of the WORST game reviewers to ever sit down at a keyboard. He picks up one small falt in a game and hammers it until it looks like an epic problem and worthy of every one's hate.
2. IGN, Gamespot, and any other "media" site reviews are tainted. They always have been. Game companies are constantly sending them swag, or paying for advertisements on sites. Ad revenue is how most of the reviewers get paid.
So really if you want to use the sites that's fine, but use them as a GUIDELINE and don't take their word for it, rent, borrow or take a chance and buy the game. Who knows you might just enjoy a game that got a 6.0 (or in Postal 2's case a 0). You may end up hating a game that got above a nine and feel that you wasted your hard earned cash. You never know until you TRY it.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Wii
Friday, November 16, 2007
Why Can't Wii get this stuff

Gamestop jumping the gun, er, proton pack

Thursday, November 15, 2007
This is what I get for trying to score a few coins...
Caught hanging upside down, defying the laws of gravity. Normally I try to obey the law, it's generally a good thing to do. But hey it's only a game right?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Variety magazine has confirmed that all 4 thats right ALL, Ernie Hudson (Winston), Dan Aykroyd (Ray), Harold Ramis (Egon), AND Bill Murry (Pete), will be voicing their characters in the new Ghostbusters video game. Also Annie Potts will be reprising her role as Janine. William Atherton "The name's Peck" is listed as well. It's due out in fall of 2008 for PC, Xbox 360, Ps3, Wii, and DS.
Who you gonna call?

"Harold Ramis, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd are getting back together and revisiting their roles to make a sequel to Ghostbusters 1 and 2 – in video-game form."
Thats right folks, sometimes when you let your imagination run wild, it can happen. Now if you will excuse me, the nerd part of me is flipping out, thanking the heavens above, and doing the weirdest dance you'll ever see.
Screw He-Man, get me the Ghostbusters.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Oh Mario,The Pipes, The Pipes Are Calling

Super Mario Galaxy Commercial Is A Bit of A Snooze Fest
They should have done a new version of this commercial. To be honest I'm not a big fan of the new "Wii would like to play" commercials. They're kind of boring.
But you can judge for yourself, here's the Wii Would Like To Play - Super Mario Galaxy Ad:
On the other hand, at least its not as bad as the Sunshine ad:
Super Mario Galaxy Tonight On X-Play

Unreal Tournament III Fell Off The Radar

Monday, November 12, 2007
For those about to rock... You may want to hold off for a bit.

A Wii bit of a joke

What really grinds my gears (of war)
Mario, Nintendo's iconic video game character, and Dr. Buzz
Aldrin float in zero-gravity atmosphere to train for Mario's upcoming game set
in space, Super Mario Galaxy for Wii on November 03, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The game is available in stores Monday, Nov. 12."http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=13947
So there you have it, the games SHIP DATE is a load of crap, gamestop and others just need to keep SOMETHING in there warehouse to justify the cost of their warehouse. Hopefully someday we will see game stores once again doing what the were founded for in the first place. Taking pre-orders to guarantee you the game ON RELEASE DAY.
Update: Just called up Best Buy for the hell of it
"Thank you for calling Best Buy how can I help you?"
"Yes I was wondering if you had Mario Galaxy in stock?"
"Actually, the release date isn't until later this week"
Really? News to me, news to Nintendo as well. Must be some fluke of the time space continuum that Nintendo world store sold them at 12:01 this morning...
Where the HELL is Dead Rising 2?

Sunday, November 11, 2007
A guide to Nerds
Good advice if you know, are involved with or are friends with a nerd, or a nerd-like person. Hell, I know that understanding these points could have saved a few of my relationships in the past. But hey, always moving forward, sometimes looking back.
The Dust Just keeps on coming

Give this guy a new PS3, or give him a game system that's actually good. You know like an Xbox 360. The ps2 was my last sony console. I don't play these kinds of games with customer support, so no thanks.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
You have got to be F***ing kidding me.
I still can't believe it, yet in a way yes I can. After having years of trouble with Sony products, I vowed that I would not buy a PS3 until it came down in price. After this, I doubt I will get one at all. Nintendo at least cares for their customers. Microsoft makes an attempt to care, even if its not the greatest. This is what happens when a company gets to rich, and we as gamers need to draw the line and knock them down a few pegs. If there was ever a reason for a class action lawsuit, this is it.
The Best Game You've Never Played.

I still remember the day my friend Steve fired up his computer and showed me the wonders of Postal 1. He's about to go over to Iraq, if I had the funds I'd buy him the 10th pack as well, course he'd need a laptop too. Well damn. He can play it when he gets back. I'm not cheap, just broke. I anxiously await word of postal 3 and will even go see Uwe Boll's (no matter how many times my gut screams NO!) movie. I leave you with the tag line from Postal 2s Box:
Ever Have One of Those Days? Indeed I have.