Wednesday, December 19, 2007

G4 still out of touch with gamers, even after all these years

I've noticed something about G4 lately, they have no idea what the hell is going on with games and gamers. I don't know if they ever did. During the Super Mario Galaxy special a "stickcam" question about a Ghostbusters game. Adam responded with a snide "there's no way in hell that they would come out with a new Ghosbusters game." The NEXT DAY, the VERY next day, the announcement of the new game informer mag came out. After the original airing this was edited. Then this happens:

"Sorry, 3DRealms, Duke Nukem Forever is still a joke and as much as you'd like to think so, Duke is no Master Chief or Kratos."

Well they got it half right, Duke is no Master Chief or Kratos. He's better than both of them, combined. In one hand, you've got a giant green bastard that's stuck in a tin can with no personality, on the other hand you have an emo Greek. Sorry G4, but I still bet on Duke. And I'd be willing to bet that I'm not alone. But it's no wonder you have no idea whats going on, you are after all, owned by Comcast. But hey judge for yourself the trailer is below.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The end is neigh!

Break out the shiny foil hats people, because one of the signs of the Apocalypse happens tomorrow at high noon tomorrow central standard time. That's right folks, George "can't get away from the EverCrack" Broussard has announced that a new Duke Nukem Forever trailer is being released at the aforementioned time.

"Last Saturday we had our annual company Christmas party. It was a lot of fun as usual but it featured one special surprise. It turns out that several people had been secretly working late nights and into the wee hours of the morning preparing a special video for those at the party. They created a short teaser for Duke Nukem Forever.
After seeing the teaser we thought it was something we should share with all of you and while it's just a teaser, rest assured more is coming.
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, around noon CST, we will release the first teaser trailer from Duke Nukem Forever. To tide you over until then, here is a screen shot taken from the teaser.
Thank you for being fans of the game and for your continued patience.
I'd like to thank the people on the team that worked so hard to create this teaser and the friends of 3DR that helped create it (Jeremy Soule and Julian Soule, Frank Bry, Jason Evigan and of course, Jon St. John)."

Guess Everquest 2 must have sucked so hard, he finally got back to what he was supposed to do in the first damn place. Make the damn sequel to one of the greatest FPSs... Ever. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put on my metal hat and hide out in my bomb shelter, because a Pigcop just flew past my window. The Devil however, was unavailable for comment, as he is stuck in an ice block.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Screw world peace this year give me

on the Virtual Console. I never got the chance to play all the way through this classic RPG as I didn't own it (Yes I know, Oh the shame, Oh the horror). SOMEBODY at Nintendo needs to listen to the hords of fans screaming at them for this game. At one point Reggie was rambling about the creator wanting to do a remake for the virtual console. But screw that, I'll lay down my 8 bucks, and I bet I'm not alone, for the original untouched game. Eight bucks beats the living hell out of $65 (the current price USED on Sure I could just download it and play it on a rom, but I'd rather own a digital download of this classic gem. And after allowing Shaq Fu on the SNES, you owe me Nintendo.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I've been avoiding talking about this because I felt that I would go into an endless rant about the state of review sites, finally I decided to break it down into a few easy to read points.

1. Jeff Gerstmann is one of the WORST game reviewers to ever sit down at a keyboard. He picks up one small falt in a game and hammers it until it looks like an epic problem and worthy of every one's hate.

2. IGN, Gamespot, and any other "media" site reviews are tainted. They always have been. Game companies are constantly sending them swag, or paying for advertisements on sites. Ad revenue is how most of the reviewers get paid.

So really if you want to use the sites that's fine, but use them as a GUIDELINE and don't take their word for it, rent, borrow or take a chance and buy the game. Who knows you might just enjoy a game that got a 6.0 (or in Postal 2's case a 0). You may end up hating a game that got above a nine and feel that you wasted your hard earned cash. You never know until you TRY it.
On a final note, Jeff I'd love to give your career and 8.8, but that would be way to generous.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Wii

It's one year on now, and what a year it's been. Mario, Zelda, and Metroi
d games all in the first year. But lets hope they can keep it going strong. Can't wait to see if Wii Fit can actually get me into shape. I know that Wii Sport hurt like hell after a while.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Why Can't Wii get this stuff

Damn Japan gets all the cool stuff and we get left with keychains and cel art. I want an SNES controller for Wii. We need a club nintendo, but if you happen to live in japan and are a club Nintendo member, pick me up one of these. I'll love ya forever (offer void in 50 states japan and most of the world).

Gamestop jumping the gun, er, proton pack

The game isn't even out for another YEAR! Holy crap people get a grip. You can't be that desperate for preorders can you? Well whoever wants to jump on it better hurry, only 2 days left! Then you have to wait, a year. Well a year and a few days after the game is released for the store to actually get the game in. Oh and there's some new video up for the game, get it here, but I don't speak, whatever it is this dude is speaking.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is what I get for trying to score a few coins...

Caught hanging upside down, defying the laws of gravity. Normally I try to obey the law, it's generally a good thing to do. But hey it's only a game right?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Variety magazine has confirmed that all 4 thats right ALL, Ernie Hudson (Winston), Dan Aykroyd (Ray), Harold Ramis (Egon), AND Bill Murry (Pete), will be voicing their characters in the new Ghostbusters video game. Also Annie Potts will be reprising her role as Janine. William Atherton "The name's Peck" is listed as well. It's due out in fall of 2008 for PC, Xbox 360, Ps3, Wii, and DS.

Vivendi if you can do anything right, MAKE IT THIS GAME!

Who you gonna call?

Not me, I'm too busy passed out on the floor from the latest bit of gaming news. I made the above pic thinking "hey wouldn't it be cool?" back before the Wii was called Wii (the Revolution). I really didn't think it would be possible. Not in a million years, the franchise was all but dead. But today, I fire up go nintendo and what do I see?

"Harold Ramis, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd are getting back together and revisiting their roles to make a sequel to Ghostbusters 1 and 2 – in video-game form."

Thats right folks, sometimes when you let your imagination run wild, it can happen. Now if you will excuse me, the nerd part of me is flipping out, thanking the heavens above, and doing the weirdest dance you'll ever see.

Screw He-Man, get me the Ghostbusters.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh Mario,The Pipes, The Pipes Are Calling

So, Mario Galaxy first impressions... I haven't played a game I genuinely enjoyed this much in a LONG time. Played it for about an hour and a half today. The story is the same as it always is. Peach gets kidnapped, you have to go save her, to get a cake (more than likely a cake, but if you gave me a cake for rescuing you from a turtle that was twice my size, I'd throw you back to the damn lizards). The controls of course take some getting used to, I keep trying to hit b trigger to butt stop and end up shooting candy at things, but I'll adapt. The only thing I don't like so far is they didn't keep the Japanese STAR GET! Replacing it is YOU GOT A STAR. Ok, so I like my engrish. But so far, this seems to be everything you could want out of a true Super Mario 64 sequel.

Super Mario Galaxy Commercial Is A Bit of A Snooze Fest

They should have done a new version of this commercial. To be honest I'm not a big fan of the new "Wii would like to play" commercials. They're kind of boring.

But you can judge for yourself, here's the Wii Would Like To Play - Super Mario Galaxy Ad:

On the other hand, at least its not as bad as the Sunshine ad:

Super Mario Galaxy Tonight On X-Play

But will anyone actually pull themselves away from galaxy long enough to watch? Launch was Sunday night/Monday morning. Talk about closing the barn door after the horses left the stable. Anyway the special will be on G4 at 8pm ET/PT. Be there or, well be playing the actual game.
Oh and if you'd like to see video of the actual launch...
Is it me or is the guy in the Mario suit acting a little creepy?

Unreal Tournament III Fell Off The Radar

Did you know this was coming out next week? Me either. Somehow it just got lost in the fray of all the other games coming out this holiday season. It's really to bad when this sort of thing happens. Course it really didn't help that Epic didn't put out a lot of info on it. Seems like they were more focused on Gears of War. But yeah the continuation of one of the best multi player series comes out next week. Go out and get it. Maybe you'll get to see me getting killed in various embarrassing ways.

Monday, November 12, 2007

For those about to rock... You may want to hold off for a bit.

Guitar hero 3, the only game of the series to come to Wii, is having a major issue. This issue is the most important to the game, sound. Activision didn't take the time to test the product (big shock there). It's not Dolby Pro Logic II the game is pumping out, its good old (and I do mean OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD) Mono. No word yet on how they are going to fix the issue. But I did hear they got a call from 1984, NBC beat them to the stereo punch.

A Wii bit of a joke

The Shaft? Oh come on as if they needed to add yet another penis joke... This is almost as bad as the old Genesis (The more you use it the harder it gets) joystick ad. Anyway if you want to get yourself one and be the... envy of all your friends (read: the butt of a barrage of jokes)...
Above is a video of 2 women playing with The Shaft. Yes, I just cringed as I wrote that.

What really grinds my gears (of war)

Mario, Nintendo's iconic video game character, and Dr. Buzz
Aldrin float in zero-gravity atmosphere to train for Mario's upcoming game set
in space, Super Mario Galaxy for Wii on November 03, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The game is available in stores Monday, Nov. 12."

So there you have it, the games SHIP DATE is a load of crap, gamestop and others just need to keep SOMETHING in there warehouse to justify the cost of their warehouse. Hopefully someday we will see game stores once again doing what the were founded for in the first place. Taking pre-orders to guarantee you the game ON RELEASE DAY.

Update: Just called up Best Buy for the hell of it

"Thank you for calling Best Buy how can I help you?"

"Yes I was wondering if you had Mario Galaxy in stock?"

"Actually, the release date isn't until later this week"

Really? News to me, news to Nintendo as well. Must be some fluke of the time space continuum that Nintendo world store sold them at 12:01 this morning...

Where the HELL is Dead Rising 2?

I'd like to get another xbox 360, I really would. But why when the games I really like for it haven't announced any sequels? Yes casual gamers love them some Halo. But what if you want to bash the hell out of zombies? You're stuck with a great, but somewhat flawed, and ultimately, repetitive game experience of the first D.R. Official world a while back was "we might be working on it" alas at least 3 game shows have gone by and not so much as a trailer. Hell RE5 had one logo a few years back. At least give me that. There is something to be said for not over-hyping a game, but this is ridiculous.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A guide to Nerds

Good advice if you know, are involved with or are friends with a nerd, or a nerd-like person. Hell, I know that understanding these points could have saved a few of my relationships in the past. But hey, always moving forward, sometimes looking back.

The Dust Just keeps on coming

Give this guy a new PS3, or give him a game system that's actually good. You know like an Xbox 360. The ps2 was my last sony console. I don't play these kinds of games with customer support, so no thanks.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

You have got to be F***ing kidding me.

Coming it at no. 1 on the "Sony can't be that stupid can they?" list, it now seems that if your PS3 contains to much dust you void your warranty.

I still can't believe it, yet in a way yes I can. After having years of trouble with Sony products, I vowed that I would not buy a PS3 until it came down in price. After this, I doubt I will get one at all. Nintendo at least cares for their customers. Microsoft makes an attempt to care, even if its not the greatest. This is what happens when a company gets to rich, and we as gamers need to draw the line and knock them down a few pegs. If there was ever a reason for a class action lawsuit, this is it.

The Best Game You've Never Played.

That's right, Postal 2. Most gaming sites and mags panned it. But I love it. If it were a woman I'd marry it and call it Susan. There isn't much to be said for the story (is there even a story?) but nothing is more satisfying than taking out a non-moving line of people with a shovel. Nothing. This game got me though working retail, I'd come home every night and bash the hell out of some in game people and feel a lot better about my place in the world. Not to mention the main character is a redhead (HELL YES!). I own every, that's right EVERY version of this game except the fudge pack (who came up with that name anyway?). Even with the dated graphics I can still sit down and play this game for HOURS. There is a lot to be said for a game that is just plain FUN. As soon as the 10th Anniversary Postal Collection came on sale I jumped at it.

I still remember the day my friend Steve fired up his computer and showed me the wonders of Postal 1. He's about to go over to Iraq, if I had the funds I'd buy him the 10th pack as well, course he'd need a laptop too. Well damn. He can play it when he gets back. I'm not cheap, just broke. I anxiously await word of postal 3 and will even go see Uwe Boll's (no matter how many times my gut screams NO!) movie. I leave you with the tag line from Postal 2s Box:
Ever Have One of Those Days?
Indeed I have.