Duke Nukem Forever. To some, it evokes laughter, others, tears, more still, anger. DNF was announced April 28, 1997 and the wait began.
My Duke Nukem story starts, with my friends computer. I purchased the third game, and installed it on his after we downloaded the shareware level from the internet (56k!). The game made me want my own computer, and I can credit it with giving me interest in computers, and seeking out help to learn how to build and maintain them. My first experience with Ebay was purchasing the Atomic Edition of Duke Nukem, followed by the game Shadow Warrior. I still have the CDs to this day. The sequel for duke Nukem had been announced, I figured it wouldn't be too long before I could play the newest adventure of the alien ass-kicker. So I played my games, played the hell out of them in fact, even bought the expansions and played the hell out of them. And I waited.
First were teased in 1998 with a trailer promising much, but delivering nothing.
Next were tormented by a trailer in 2001, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the original Duke Nukem game.
Finally we were curb-stomped in 2007 by yet another "teaser" trailer.
It's 2011 almost 14 years since the game was first announced. And yet we wait.
In 2009, 3DRealms was shut down. They finally ran out of funding after making no games in over a decade. The game was dead in the water, to most of those folks that hate the last two generations of FPS games, such as Halo, Medal of Honor, and most importantly Call of Duty, it was heartbreaking. Generic First Person Shooters featuring brown on brown graphics, starring "heroes" lacking the most basic personalities, would still rule the day.
Suddenly just before PAX came in 2010, rumblings started about a new studio taking over, a small studio that is best known for one game, Borderlands, Gearbox Software. The announcement came and some were baffled. Some jilted by the mishandling of 3drealms remained, and still remain skeptical about the game. But to a few die hard fans, it was a glimmer of hope. Plots were leaked, game play videos released via webshow, pictures came out in droves. More information had poured out in just a few months than had been confirmed in years.
The game has a release date, no more will fans cringe at the most famous phrase uttered by a game developer, when it's done. It will be done May 3rd, 2011. It is not without controversy however, as the cover artwork has come under scrutiny by the fans.

I have waited for this game, for longer than any of my friends. Most of whom have completely lost interest by this point and have in their words, moved on. I've had a countless number of computers since DN3D was released, always in the back of my mind echoed "Will this be the one that finally gets to play it? It could happen this time. This time." Will I actually do as I promised and shove the game down my pants? Who knows? At least it's not as bad as what Gabe has to do.

All I can tell you for sure, is that I'm still betting on Duke.