Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dead Rising 2... Dead on Arrival?

In a bold move, the folks at Capcom have shot themselves in the foot before their horse has even left the stable. Fact of the matter is with Dead Rising: Case Zero they took what should have been the opening of the game, hacked it out and then sold it to 360 users as a paid content "demo." Now Kenji Inafune has announced Dead Rising: Case West. The DLC takes place some time after the events of DR2. Chuck sets out with Frank West to find evidence that clears his name... Wait a minute? Chuck had to clear his name in the trailer for DR2...

What's going on here? What's the point of spending $60 bucks on the game if you have to purchase the last chapter of the game to find out what really happens and do that thing that your char was supposed to do over the span of the entire game?? And as a final bonus kick in the nuts, the DLC is Xbox 360 exclusive. So basically, Capcom has sent out a big FU to gamers in general, and an added FU especially sent to those of us that enjoy our games on PC and PS3. I have railed on DLC when it was in it's infancy. Now the ugly bastard has grown 3 heads and teeth. We need to take this thing out, and we need to do it now. I have, since the announcement, cancelled my Dead Risng 2 High Stakes Edition Preorder, and gave the CSR the reason why. I just hope he had enough space in the "reason for canceling box" to record my enraged rambling.